At our last Saturday meeting at Julie's place there was quite a sense of industry happening. What happens when we all get together is that we pass on advice about new books, products and of course, fabrics. Someone often has a bright idea about a new pattern we might all launch into ( as if we need any more UFOs). It is such a great source of inspiration for us all.
On of our "less published sisters", Sue, is a great creative thinker. She is often working on things a little out of our "thinking square". At Julie's, we were lucky enough to see the evolution of her latest project. I don't think it has a name yet but it is inspired by the Art Deco period. Luckily, another of our dear sisters, Barb , is a member of the Art Deco society ( is that the correct title Barb?) and she has been able to help with books and papers for ideas and inpiration.
Sue has chosen a lovely colour palette of deep maroon reds, burgundy, blacks and some softer pale creams and apricots for the backgrounds. Di is always on hand to lend wise guidance about placement and the overall cohesion of the pattern. It is so unusual to see a pattern 'evolve' like this. It is a great credit to Sue's ability to see the ideas in her head then get them onto the fabric.
Of course, the rest of us just chime in with ideas and advice of a more general nature. We can all be depended upon to have an opinion to share.
Oh, and did I say that she is making it to give as a wedding gift. How generous is that?
This time I did not take the photos - left that to Sue so will incude them to share with you all.
Also in the photos you will see Julie's version of the Burnt Quilt(on the left). It is a treasure in the making. Her colours a so controlled and cohesive, tieing the various frames or borders together to frame each section. I wish I had her control! You can see the difference when side by side. By the way, Di was working on her new centre for the BQ. and it is to die for!!!! ( pardon the pun). Perhaps she will share it soon.
By the way, did you all see Deb's vibrant Not Quite telling the Truth quilt ? It is "WOW". Check it out on her blog.
Enough from me now
As always, happy sewing
PS. someone asked about the quilt on our banner - it is after Frederica Josephson (out of A. Gero's book, The Fabric of Society) made by us all with great love for Di.