Yesterday was the third Saturday of the month and it looks like normal service has been restored with lots of new projects started, or work on old ones resumed, by the Sisters.

First up from Barb, the outer border of stars for the Burnt Quilt is under construction. Love the fussy cutting.
Julie has always been a 'one project at a time' person but finally it looks like she has succumbed to temptation with two, or did I hear her say three, challenging projects started.

Here she is with the almost finished centre panel from A Tribute to Mrs Williams. The pattern is by Corliss Searcy of Threadbear.
And below, the centre panel from Deb's Not Quite Telling the Truth. Photos never do colour justice, the background fabric is from Moda's Luna Notte range, it is a beautiful pale green.

Next up, on the left is a small sashing Sue is making for her Art Deco inspired creation. More photos of this 'quilt under construction' can be found here.
Below from Chris, the beginnings of a quilt she is doing in a class at Somerset. My apologies but I forgot to get any details from Chris.

Di brought along a quilt top I remember from early days at Primarily Patchwork. It is a four patch Baltimore. Imagine our surprise when Di started unpicking it and removing the sashings (just peaking out from under the block). Why? Because she no longer 'loved' them. In her opinion, the sashings were too heavy and so off they came. This is one of the blocks, sans sashing. I can't wait to see how Di puts the blocks back together again.

And last, but never least, from our most industrious Sister, Merri, a completed set of blocks for Linda Bear's Best of Friends - reverse applique. All that is left to do to complete the top are the sashings. Merri is one of those quilters we all envy as she has the focus and commitment to finish projects.

And a few close-ups of some of the many blocks.

Until next time,