For our final gathering of the year we decided to make a day of it and head north to Castlemaine and the delights of Threadbear. However before Castlemaine is the obligatory stop at the bakery in Malmsbury for coffee and muffins / mince pies. Needless to say we did not leave empty handed. The fruit loaf was warm from the oven so how can you resist such temptation.
Corliss was as ever a lovely hostess. We were delighted to be given the use of Threadbear's classroom to sit and sew. Not that there was a lot of sewing done! I am sure the first hour was spent fabric shopping. And I must say the shopping was very focussed - with each of us searching for fabric for our next project or to finish a current project.
Merri was looking for backing for her Mary Brown quilt. It is all but finished, just a few stars for the inner border to complete and some serious time on the machine to put it all together.
The centre is done and looking just fabulous.

Barb spent time choosing fabrics to complete her version of the Burnt Quilt. There are quite a few more stars finished and ready to be attached.

We then headed out to The Bold Garden for lunch. Lots of chatter! We are a noisy bunch when all together.
And finally, back to Threadbear. This time there was a little sewing done before heading back to Melbourne. And just to prove it here is Ann busy hand quilting Tesselations, a lovely bright and bold quilt designed by Brigitte Giblin.

Wishing you all a very, merry Christmas. Enjoy the New Year celebrations,
Until next time,