I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year!
The Secret Sewing Sisterhood had their first gathering for the new year last Thursday at Di's place.
There where reminders of the Christmas season scattered around.
And also some evidence of a trip or two to France in the past year!
......just a small reminder that "that book!" is being released in France in April, and I also have the "inside" news that it will also have an Aussie release at The Stitches and Craft Show in Victoria later this year!
Now for the really important stuff.....the quilting stuff!
We all love "show and tell" and Deb has finished a spectacular version of a Michelle Yeo pattern...love those antique colours!......and just look at her choice in backing!! Yumm!........now it's off to be quilted!

Deb has also started The Caswell Quilt designed by Corliss from Threadbear, in Castlemaine. Don't you just love these blocks!?
Now, Deb is not the only one of the SSS to have a bit of "show and tell"! Look at this!....Di has discovered a new fabric storage system of which she is very excited about.....how nifty is this!
As for the rest of us???........................Sue and Clare where absent.....Sob!.....we missed you both! Barb was completing her stars on "The Burnt Quilt"......and using some of that beautiful Dutch chintz...
Also I see a pattern for a Storm at Sea" quilt in the background. Ann is continuing with her Clamshell quilt......Merri with "The Civil War Bride" quilt....Meagan is completing one of the borders to one of her gorgeous applique quilts, I am muddling along with "The Morrell" and "Antique Wedding Quilt"

Oh!!......and what's this??......
and this!!....

........Di has been a busy girl!!....there are some "out there" who will recognize this fabric as one of Mary Kovall's antique chintz/s . There is a bit of a challenge circulating using this bird!...You know who you are!!......look to the future!!!
And, if you love this, then I know Mary may have some more!......(but leave some for me!)
As for the rest of the day..................we continued to sew.....
...............and, as usual, as we sew, we eat (Oh! that scrumptious apricot cake.....still warm from the oven!!), we chat,we discuss, we plan, we sip our coffee/tea, we argue a little, we have a laugh (or two!.......or , maybe three!) and we solve all the problems of the world.........or, maybe just a couple of them!
That's it for now...............keep on stitching!