It was a glorious Melbourne Autumn day when the Sisters gathered at Ann's place for a bit of stitching.....we missed you Clare, Sue and Di.
One of Ann's live-in friends supervised the proceedings...and is not camera shy either!!! Harry is wearing the latest in doggy coats to ward off the chill that was in the air that day.
A copy of the latest book from Quiltmania was on the table.

Meghan brought this copy back from France. AND, look at what else she came home with!

Our previous blog entry gives a great description of her adventure in Nantes. Both Di and Meghan have contributed to Petra and Ann's new book. Way to go Sisters!!! As I am doing the "show-off" thing...just look here! Yes! It's Di's "Phebe" adorning one of those great collector bags.
So, what are we all up to?....................................Barb has been VERY busy completing this "Storm At Sea"masterpiece. The front is great.....but just look at the back! Wow!

Now, this was made to display at The University Of The 3rd. Age Show at the Box Hill Town Hall, 6th, 7th and 8th of Se
ptember 2013. Karen Styles, of Somerset Quilts did the machine-quilting.
Merri has also been very busy stitching up a storm (like that one!) producing a piece of work that may seem familiar to some.

This is Meghan's pattern, now christened;" Les Grandes Feuilles de Rouge" Ann is working on her "Clamshell Quilt" putting on the edging, a really gorgeous auburgine like colour.

Deb is stitching her version of "The Caswell Quilt"

Meghan is continuing on with "Mrs Miller's Journey" As for me....I am still working on "The Grove Documentation Quilt"....nearly up to the last round!

To finish up this is a snap of Ann's "Winter Stars" adorning a wall in her home,

reminding us that it's going to get chillier........and therefore a great reason to ..make more quilts!!!!
Happy stitching everyone! Kerry