I had fully intended to write this post last weekend but as they say, the best laid plans of mice and men do often go astray.
After leaving London, Bev, Irene and I headed to France and our first stop in Nantes where we were looking forward to attending Pour l'Amour du Fil. This exhibition is a relative newcomer with this being just the second year it has been held. It covers all things textiles but with a focus on patchwork, embroidery and knitting. Pour l'Amour du Fil is also a little different in that it does not have an associated competition. The quilts and crafts on show are from invited guests. In 2010 these included Sue Spargo, Sarah Fielke and Reiko Kato from the patchwork and quilting world and Françoise Marchadier, Sue Hawkins, Cécile Franconie, Yves Loyer, Christine Demenais and the Association "Broder la Soie" represented the embroiders.
Immediately on entering the main hall your vision was drawn to this absolutely huge quilt that hung over the whole exhibition. I must apologise for not having any information on the quilt. Despite looking I could not find any write-up on it but can only assume it is the work of a group. My best guess on size would be 3m x 5m. Each square is unique and most are appliqued with the setting being pieced.

The fair was very busy and the many booths well patronised.

What did impress me about Pour l'Amour du Fil was how the invited guest's quilts and crafts were displayed. Each exhibition space was dressed as if a room in a house with quilts and embroideries placed around the room.

Unfortunately quite a few of the workshops were cancelled due to the artists, including Sarah Fielke, not being able to travel because of the shut down of air travel in Europe. Drat that volcano! However we did spend time talking with Sue Spargo. She is just delightful and had brought many of her beautiful folk art quilts with her. One trend I noticed walking around the Fair was the amount of wools being used in quilts, something that Sue has really pioneered over the past few years.

In direct contrast to Sue's colourful quilts was the more restrained style of Reiko Kato. Her use of taupes is so typical of many Japanese quilters.

Other than the quilts, what else took my eye? Firstly were the linens available, both for quilters and embroiders. I purchased two pieces of the same print (different colours) from Au Lin d'ACB
www.lin-acb.com and have a great pattern for a bag which I think I will use them in.

There were also gorgeous embroideries and tapestries with lots of kits to buy. I was very restrained and did not buy (apart from a very small kit for a pin cushion). If you are interested in tapestry take a look at
www.plaisirs-tapisserie.fr They have wonderful designs and will also create an original for you if you provide the brief.
And last, but by no means least, were the stunning reproduction dutch chintzs from Den Haan & Wagenmakers on Petra Prims' booth. But more about these in my next post!
Au revoir, mon amis
It looks like a great show. Thanks for sharing your photos. I admire you limiting your purchases it can be so hard when you see all the lovely items in one place.
ReplyDeleteThe taupe quilt is beautiful. The gigantic quilt hung from above is something to see. It has an unusual border. I wonder how many different blocks are in the quilt.
ReplyDeleteQuilts must have been unbelievable.I follow Sue Spargo's blog and she had some really good pictures from there too.
Your overhead photo of the exhibit hall looks very "quilt'y." What a fabulous event and I hope you are happy that you've turned me green with envy.
ReplyDeleteI think the very large quilt which you have photographed belongs to or at least is featured in a book by Chuck Nohara and is available from French magazine Quiltmania(magazine to die for!!)