Way back when the Saturday chapter of the SSS still met on Saturday mornings at PP, we were thinking about our next project. As we have said before, we originally met to do a class with Di and just decided to stay together. We had completed two projects and then Merri and Di started discussing quilts that thy liked that might be suitable for our next project. Of course it turned out that the quilt they both loved was the same one; the Sarah Morrell quilt. The original quilt was made in Pennsylvania and New Jersey around 1843. It is an album quilt which alternates pieced/applique blocks with broderie perse. Well at first we thought it was a bit daunting - but of course none of us would ever admit to anything being too challenging so we all decided to give it a bash. Here's the original

Some of the blocks are really gorgeous, some of them quite damaged.
Well we launched into the project and Di decided that the centre block needed something a bit more definite, so drafted a new block for the centre. Here is Di's version of the quilt.

Beautiful, yes? I would like to show you some close ups, but this daughter of Sarah is currently sojourning in Amsterdam! The pieced and applique blocks were relatively straightforward to do. Choosing beautiful fabric for each piece helps with the overall look of this quilt.
The next version is Merri's. Merri chose a beautiful pale ice blue background fabric.

The broderie perse blocks challenged our skills as floral arrangers, and our fabric stashes. Most of us didn't have a lot of large scale floral pieces to use.

You will see as we go through, that some fabrics appear in many quilts. Many of our sessions were devoted to sharing our fabrics and arranging these blocks.

Designing vases helped to fill the spaces.

The scale would suggest that these are the biggest flowers you have ever seen - but hey - it's not real life is it? We all love Merri's version. I think this now lives with her mum. I think Merri did her BP by hand - very dedicated.
Next up we have Meghan's quilt.

Meghan's background is a neutral with some strong blues throughout.

She has used some interesting figures in her quilt blocks.

And some bird life.

I'm not sure where Meghan's Morrell resides - and I don't know if it's hand BP'ed. I'm sure the girls will let me know and then I'll edit the post. Here is another way to incorporate a vase.

My quilt is next. Well actually it is still a quilt top - rather than a quilt.

Wow - I like it better in the photo than in the flesh! Here are a couple of close ups of pieced and appliqued blocks.

The background of mine is from the original Charleston collection.

Some bright blue from the first Smithsonian collection - it was one of my favourites. Sorry about the wobbly photos. The quilts are big and I couldn't get far enough away - or get the girls to stand far enough apart to get a straight hang.

Another luminous blue. I hope I have some more.
My BP blocks are machine appliqued. I love my Bernina and have no patience to do it by hand.

Each of these flowers is a separate bloom but look they are painted on.

The possibilities are endless if you can find the right fabrics.

My Morrell currently resides in a cupboard in my study. It will see the light of day one day.
Here is Sue's. It is a similar colour scheme to Meghan's.

Sue's quilt lives on her bed - that's a strange place for quilt Sue! Here is a beautiful red block.

And a couple of her BP blocks. Again not sure but I think Sue did hers by hand too.

I love these blue flowers

And another appliqued block.

Kerri's Morrell is still a work in progress. Here are some of her blocks.

I love the one embroidered with her initials. There are plenty of places in the quilt where embroidery can be added. Pulling out these blocks has spurred Kerry on to finish a few more blocks. So when she' s done I'm sure she will show you.
Here is a close up of the centre.

Now last but definitely not least is Ann's Morrell. As you can see this is very different. Ann made this quilt for her daughter and she asked for a yellow and blue quilt. It is not Ann's colour scheme of choice, and of course this palette limited the fabrics Ann could use. She's done a fabulous job in spite of the difficulties. Have a look.

Isn't it stunning?

Qhite different isn't it?

Don't you love the teapots?

Very French provincial colours.

Well I hope you like the variations. I think some of these will be at Quilts in the Barn for closer inspection.
The pattern for this quilt is now available at
Threadbears, and for European readers, at Petra Prins Patchwork and Quilting. I hope these pictures give you some inspiration and ideas to design your own version of Sarah Morrell.